Why Buy Local

When you buy local food you are keeping local farmers farming, protecting their land with sustainable agriculture, and that means a healthier and cleaner Chesapeake Bay.

Six Reasons to Buy Local

  • Planted farm rows of greens in different stages of growth.


    Buying local is a powerful way to protect the environment. By supporting local farms and businesses, you reduce the carbon footprint associated with long-distance transportation and help preserve natural landscapes. Additionally, local producers often prioritize sustainable farming practices, contributing to cleaner air, water, and soil.

  • Seeds being planted by hand in soil filled plastic trays.


    Your health matters, and so does the quality of the food you consume. When you buy local, you gain access to fresh, seasonal produce that is often harvested at its peak ripeness. This means you're getting food that's not only tastier but also more nutrient-rich. Plus, by supporting local food systems, you promote a healthier community overall.

  • Two men planting starter plants in rows behind a tractor.


    Access to fresh, affordable food should be a right for everyone, regardless of where you live or your income level. Buying local supports this principle by creating opportunities for local food producers to offer a diverse range of products within your community. This ensures that everyone has access to high-quality, nutritious food options.

  • Crowds in line at event tents.


    Buying local strengthens the bonds within your community. When you purchase from local farmers and businesses, you're not just supporting their livelihoods; you're investing in the social fabric of your neighborhood. Local markets and food events become gathering places where relationships are forged and local culture thrives.

  • Three people digging in a field with a barn in the background.


    Local food systems contribute to community resilience. They are less vulnerable to disruptions in the global supply chain and can better weather economic challenges. By buying local, you help build a robust and resilient local economy that can adapt to changing circumstances.

  • Buy Fresh Buy Local event tent.


    Buying local stimulates the local economy by keeping money circulating within your community. When you support local businesses, you help create jobs, boost income for local families, and generate tax revenue that supports public services. It's a win-win for your community's prosperity.

Photo Credits: Elissa Planz/CBF Staff